• The Nexux Between Technology, the Law and Access to Justice by University of Nairobi Law Journal THE NEXUS BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY, THE LAW AND ACCESS TO JUSTICE
    Vol 10 No 2 (2023)

    Dear Readers,
    Welcome to the captivating realm where law and technology intertwine in the
    latest issue of the University of Nairobi Law Journal. In this dynamic compilation,
    we explore the multifaceted interactions between legal principles and the everevolving world of technology, uncovering intriguing insights illuminating the
    path forward in this digital age.
    Within these virtual corridors, you will discover a collection of articles that
    illuminate the dynamic interplay between the legal realm and the digital age. "The
    Law and Technology; A Boon or Bane: Kenya's Case Study" takes us on a
    whirlwind tour of Kenya's technological evolution, unravelling the complexities
    that arise when law and technology become dance partners. "The Digitization of
    Employment: A Case of the Gig Economy" invites us to explore the
    metamorphosis of work in the digital era, where pixels and paychecks interlace in
    fascinating ways.
    In "Pathway to Digital Justice: An Analysis of Amicable Dispute Settlement," we
    venture into the labyrinthine world of digital justice mechanisms, where codes
    and courthouses coalesce to redefine access to justice. "Culpability in the Era of
    Artificial Intelligence in Kenya" delves into the intricate dance of accountability
    and AI, illuminating the legal pathways that navigate the blurred boundaries of
    the digital intellect.
    Lastly, "Promoting Breastfeeding as a Human Right in Kenya" serves as a
    poignant reminder that amidst the technocratic crescendo, the timeless tenets of
    human rights remain steadfast.
    We invite you to immerse yourselves in these thought-provoking narratives, to
    engage in discourse that echoes within the chambers of academia and resonates
    with the ever-evolving legal landscape. As you navigate this fusion of
    jurisprudence and innovation, may you find inspiration, challenge, and a renewed
    appreciation for the harmonious discord that is law and technology. Happy

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution as a Socio-Legal Innovation for Sustainable Development ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AS A SOCIO-LEGAL INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
    Vol 10 No 1 (2023)

    In keeping with our theme of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a Tool for Socio- Legal Innovation for Sustainable Development, our dedicated team gathered a plethora of articles ranging from the role of ADR in resolving climate-related disputes to the relationship between artificial intelligence and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Indeed, this article contains interesting reads about ADR, such as Social Dialogue for the Social Sector, the Dawn of Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Dispute Resolution; Expanding Access to Justice Through Technology, The Role of ADR in the Realization of Socioeconomic Rights, The Application of ADR in Resolving Climate-related Disputes to Achieve Sustainable Development in Kenya, and Kenya's CBC Crisis as a Call to the Boardroom, Not the Courtroom.