Mila: A Journal of the Institute of Anthropology, Gender, and African Studies is an open-access peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary international scholarly journal (ISSN 1015-6178) that has been in existence since 1970, and recently re-branded to publish both print and online versions in the English language twice a year.  Though the primary goal of Mila is to showcase and bring into the wider academic domain research in anthropology, gender, and African studies conducted by the institute’s fellows and students, it also considers and publishes original articles in all the social sciences by scholars from the African region and beyond.

The journal is designed to provide policy analysts, planners, practitioners, academicians, and other interested parties with useful information that might help them solve various societal problems. Mila highlights current and ongoing research in anthropology, gender, and African studies not only in Kenya or Africa but around the world; promotes academic exchanges between scholars in Africa and other parts of the world; facilitates scholarly interactions and dialogue about current global, regional and local issues; and builds a platform for communication within the international research community, particularly in the domains of anthropology, gender, and African studies.