Editorial Board

Dr. Kimingichi Wabende – Lecturer, Department of Literature, University of Nairobi. Email: kwabende@uonbi.ac.ke

Mr. Tobias O. Odongo – Senior Lecturer, Department of Literature, Moi University.  Email: tobiasotieno@yahoo.com

Dr. Rose A. Opondo – Senior Lecturer, Department of Literature, Moi University. Email: rosopondo@gmail.com

Editorial Advisors

Prof. Hellen Oronga Mwanzi

Prof. Vicky Inviolata Khasandi

Dr. Joseph Muleka



Editorial Advisory Board


  1. Promote the vision and objectives of the journal.
  2. Provide editorial guidance to the journal’s editorial team.
  3. Advise the Editors on policy, publicity and dissemination.
  4. Advise the Editors on matters relating to quality assurance.
  5. Provide peer review services for articles in their areas of expertise.