Redesigning Reusable Sanitary Pads Using The Human-Centered Design Model and Triple Bottom Line Strategy

  • Kobia C
  • Lumutenga N W
  • Khaitsa M L
Keywords: Human-centred design, menstrual hygiene management, reusable-pads, social entrepreneurship, triple bottom line, women empowerment


Introduction: In Sub-Saharan Africa, many women and girls lack access to adequate menstrual hygiene management (MHM) products, which negatively affects their participation in education, employment, and community development. Additionally, limited access to MHM products leads to diminished dignity and respect and increased discrimination and stigma. Objectives and Methodology: The Specific Objectives were to 1) Produce an improved, cost-effective reusable sanitary pad (HERS pad) using the Human-Centered Design (HCD) model, 2) Train women and girls in the production of the HERS pad as a sustainable social enterprise, using the Triple Bottom Line (Profit, People, Planet) Strategy, and 3) Evaluate the quality, cost and affordability, performance, and adoption of the HERS pad by target end-users. The study was conducted in two districts (Bulambuli and Butaleja) of Eastern Uganda. Four women groups were trained to produce the HERS pad, and 46 secondary schoolgirls assessed the quality, performance, and adoption of the HERS pad. Results: The HERS pad was developed from mostly sustainable, locally available, and affordable materials. This pad was cheaper, and it exhibited better properties in relation to comparable pads on the market in Uganda. Overall, there was a statistically significant difference in the favourable compared to the unfavourable rating of the quality and performance of the HERS pad. Conclusion: The production of the HERS pad enabled participants to access an affordable, sustainable pad, to manage their menstrual hygiene with dignity in an environmentally friendly way. Despite the cultural barriers encountered in marketing the HERS pad, women were empowered to diversify into environmentally friendly production of an essential product and to reap some intangible social benefits.
