Understanding Master Craftspersons' Technology Practices For Business Productivity: A Case Study Of Tailors On A Nigerian University Campus

  • Tajudeen Ade Akinsooto Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Keywords: Technology Practice; Informal Sector;Digital Literacy Skills; Digital Devices; Productivity


This study aims to understand how tailors on a Nigerian university campus in Ile-Ife use technology to enhance their business productivity in the informal sector. This qualitative case study explored the technological practices of male and female tailor master craftspersons at the Central Market on the Obafemi Awolowo University Campus in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Fifteen tailors were selected for interviews conducted in both English and Yoruba, with the Yoruba interviews translated before transcription.

 All interviews were tape-recorded, and the study employed content analysis for a comprehensive understanding of technology practices among master craftspersons for business productivity within the Central Market community. In conclusion, the study highlights the diverse challenges faced by artisans in the informal economy in adopting and leveraging digital tools, emphasising the need for a holistic approach involving infrastructure enhancements, digital literacy training, and targeted interventions to improve internet accessibility and affordability.
