Women’s Perspectives on The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC):A Case Of Kenyan Mothers Of Children With Dyslexia.

  • June Jane Ombara University of Nairobi
  • Hellen Inyega University of Nairobi
  • Humphrey Jeremiah Ojwang University of Nairobi
Keywords: Dyslexia, mothering, neglected voices, learners perspectives, Competency - Based Curriculum, partnerships


Dyslexia is a reading disability that affects 1 in every 5 children globally, yet in Africa, it remains largely unidentified and undiagnosed. Women play a critical role in nurturing and socializing children. They are also key stakeholders and play a critical part in their children's schooling. However, their knowledge and views on curriculum reviews are rarely considered with as much importance as those of other stakeholders. This study sought to explore the views of Kenyan mothers of children with dyslexia on the Competency-Based- Curriculum (CBC).  A qualitative research design was adopted purposive sampling was used to capture the mothers’ narratives. Excerpts from in-depth interviews presented to illustrate the mothers’ experiences, using case narratives of 4 mothers drawn from a Nairobi –based social support group of mothers of children with learning disabilities. Data was analyzed using Nvivo 12 application, drawing from emerging themes and patterns. The findings showed that mothers clearly understand the previous 8.4. 4 and the current Competency-Based Curriculum from which they drew comparisons, strengths, and weaknesses. Mothers reported positive education experiences and outcomes for their children because of the practical hands-on pedagogical approach to instruction and learning in CBC. The study concluded that mothers’ knowledge of school curriculum is significant and especially its appropriateness for children with dyslexia.  Mothers’ knowledge about curriculum can influence the nature and quality of curriculum for children with learning disabilities during curriculum reviews. The significance of these findings could be examined in relation to stakeholder partnerships and their implications and considered for expanded professionalism 
