The role of pharmacists in the management of sexually transmitted diseases in Tanzania

  • M Justin-Temu Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, P.O. Box 65013, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • A Outwater Family Health International AIDSThCH, Tanzania
  • E F Lyamuya``` Faculty of Medicine, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • A F K Haule Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, P.O. Box 65013, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • M T Leshabari Institute of Public Health, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, P.O. Box 65002 Dar es Salaam
  • K j Pallangyo Faculty of Medicine, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Keywords: Pharmacists, Clients, STDs, Drugs.


The study was conducted in order to ascertain the knowledge and involvement of pharmacists in over-the-counter treatment of common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Dar es Salaam including their role in disseminating information to their clients. Structured questionnaires were sent to 58 pharmacists working in private pharmacies in Dar es Salaam. Altogether 43 (74%) pharmacists completed the questionnaires. Data collected using interview methods and group discussions involving 15 pharmacists were also analyzed. The drugs dispensed by pharmacists were collected by interviewers posing as patients. Results indicate that on average, a total of 200 clients in the study area seek treatment for STDs from pharmacists every day. Symptoms described by clients are non-specific fdr the various STD syndromes but those with genital discharge are better understood than others. Eighty to hundred percent of the pharmacists knew the aetiology of various STDs in general terms, but less than 10% knew the specific causative agents for the majority of common STDs. Whereas a significant proportion of pharmacists knew some of the drugs for STD treatment, 94% and 100% of them did not know the Ministry of Health (MOH) recommended standard treatment regimen for lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and vaginitis respectively. This is the first documented study on the extent of involvement of pharmacists in the management of STDs in Tanzania. Our data suggest that pharmacists should be equipped with the proper knowledge on STD aetiology, treatment and prevention. They should also be more conversant with M.O.H. recommended STD treatment regimen. 

How to Cite
Justin-Temu, M., Outwater, A., Lyamuya```E., Haule, A., Leshabari, M., & Pallangyo, K. (2020). The role of pharmacists in the management of sexually transmitted diseases in Tanzania. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(1), 15-18. Retrieved from