Effect of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Training on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of STD Management by Pharmacists in Tanzania

  • M Justin-Temu Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • A Outwater Family Health International AIDSThCH, Tanzania
  • E F Lyamuya Faculty of Medicine, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • A F K Haule Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, P.O. Box 65013, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • M T Leshabari nstitute of Public Health, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • K J Pallangyo Faculty of Medicine, Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Keywords: Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP), STD management, Pharmacists, Tanzania


The aim of the study was to find out if an educational intervention increases awareness of pharmacists in sexually transmitted disease management. A three day training workshop based on the findings of a previous Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey and focus group discussions involving pharmacists was conducted. A series of lectures were given covering various aspects of sexually transmitted diseases syndromes, the causative organisms, the symptoms, and sexually transmitted diseases symptomatic treatment algorithm. Two months following the training another Knowledge Attitude and Practice survey was conducted during which a poster based on Tanzania Ministry of
Health symptomatic treatment algorithm was designed and pre-tested. A month later it was distributed among the target pharmacies. Majority of the pharmacists had improved their knowledge in the aetiology of STDs and a significant number could give the correct treatment of sexually transmitted diseases symptoms by using MOH treatment algorithm. Availability and adequacy of the required drugs were not a constraint. The pharmacists' awareness of the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases had sharpened and their knowledge in preventive measures had also improved. They were now more confident and more knowledgeable than before in educating their clients accordingly. It is concluded that training and provision of reference materials can improve knowledge of pharmacists in the management of sexually transmitted diseases.

How to Cite
Justin-Temu, M., Outwater, A., Lyamuya, E., Haule, A., Leshabari, M., & Pallangyo, K. (2020). Effect of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Training on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of STD Management by Pharmacists in Tanzania. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1(2), 31-33. Retrieved from https://uonjournals.uonbi.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/ecajps/article/view/513