Editorial: Neurotoxins from Conus musicus, Family Conidae

  • C K Maitai Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy, University of Nairobi


In this issue of the journal, there is an article by Balamurgan et al. on the
neuropharmacological effects of the crude venom extract of Conus musicus in mice. The
toxins from this species of cone snail are collectively referred to as conotoxins. These are
small peptide toxins, typically 12-30 amino acids with a high density of disulphide bonds.
They are potent neurotoxins. There have been over 30 recorded cases of human envenomation
by cone shell species. Members of Conidae family do not predate upon humans but will sting
if disturbed.

How to Cite
Maitai, C. (2020). Editorial: Neurotoxins from Conus musicus, Family Conidae. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(2), 27. Retrieved from https://uonjournals.uonbi.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/ecajps/article/view/443