The Inhibitory Action of Aqueous Garlic Extract -oh the Growth of Certain Pathogenic Bacteria

  • Zakaria Astal Khan Younis Hospital Laboratory, Khan Younis, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Palestine
Keywords: Aqueous garlic extract, antibacterial effect, pathogenic bacteria.


This work reports the antibacterial effect of aqueous garlic (Allium sativum)
extract on certain pathogenic Gram positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus,
Stapl?ylococcus saproph-vticus, Streptococcus pneumonia and Streptococcus
,faecali.~, and Gram negative bacteria Eschericlria coli, Enterobacter cloacae.
Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirahilis, Pseudomonas aerugi~iosa and
Acinetobacter Itaemolyticus and determined the optimal conditions for storage of
garlic extract. The results have revealed that, a concentration of 750 to 1000
pglml of the aqueous garlic extract has high antibacterial effect. Storage for 6 h
at 30-50 OC, was found to have optimal efficacy for inhibiting the growth of
pathogenic bacteria, while a storage temperature of 70-100°C led to loss of the
efficacy of aqueous garlic extract.

How to Cite
Astal, Z. (2020). The Inhibitory Action of Aqueous Garlic Extract -oh the Growth of Certain Pathogenic Bacteria. The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(1), 9-14. Retrieved from