Sense of Place:
Concepts, Importance and Methods of Study
Confusion and no standard way without clear constructs marks the study and analysis of sense of place (SOP). This article seeks to understand SOP discourse across disciplines interested in the place-people-process relationships. It aims to cover the key aspects in terms of components, importance and methods of investigation. This review was done by open access search for “sense of place” and within related literature of its sub-concepts. Findings reveal lack of clarity as different researches include different sub-dimensions as its components and employ different methods of investigation. Place attachment (PA), place identity (PI) and place dependence (PD), place meanings (PM), place satisfaction (PS) are the common dimensions. Many researches on SOP have been done within neighborhoods and public spaces. The study recommends the need for standard and uniform dimensions, methods for its investigation in order for built environment professionals, other professions and policy makers to integrate the findings in place making.