Unpacking the Role of Culture Towards Quality Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya

  • Rael Ogwari Moi University
Keywords: Cultural diversity, Culture, Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Education sector, Indigenous knowledge, Sustainability, Sustainable Development


The paper explores the link between culture and education for sustainable development in Kenya. To achieve this objective, a desk study was carried out on culturally appropriate education and education for sustainable development. Specifically, data was obtained from review of Kenya Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) that guides the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) policy for the education sector. The paper discusses the interplay of ESD policy and BECF with culture to identify the existing challenges and opportunities in implementing SDG target 4.7. The findings reveal that culture is superficially embedded in the ESD policy and BECF, and the cultural stakeholders are excluded from the development, implementation and evaluation of the policy. There is also no clear explanation on how cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue is translated into practice to achieve ESD. The paper concludes that embedding culture in ESD policy provides a deep and shared understanding of the development, implementation and evaluation of ESD policy and BECF. As a strategy to achieve ESD, the paper recommends integration of culture at all levels of the ESD policy and the BECF.
