• Henry Mukhwana Wanakuta Technical University of Kenya
Keywords: Pedagogical Innovation, Digitalization, Sustainability, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Cultural Diversity, Artificial Intelligence (AI).



 The discipline of interior design is not immune to the winds of change in the ever-changing area of design. Future interior designers' education must change to suit the demands of this dynamic profession as society and technology develop. This study examines the potential and problems influencing interior design education going forward, going into great detail into concepts like digitalization, sustainability, interdisciplinary cooperation, pedagogical innovation, and cultural diversity.

This research paper examines the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapidly changing landscape of interior design education. It examines the role of digitalization, digitalization of teaching methods and technologies, and the importance of sustainability in future curricula. It also examines the principles of eco-conscious design, the use of sustainable materials and green building practices, and the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and cultural diversity in the field of interior design.

In the context of interdisciplinary collaboration, the paper highlights the growing importance of cross-disciplinary interactions in interior design education. It examines how students benefit from exposure to various fields such as architecture, psychology, and environmental science, ultimately enhancing their ability to create holistic and innovative designs. Additionally, this research underscores the significance of cultural diversity as an essential component of interior design education, emphasizing the need to prepare students for the multicultural, globalized design landscape.

This paper employs a comprehensive literature review, surveys, and case studies to assess the current state of interior design education and extrapolate potential directions for the future. By understanding the key terms and concepts driving change in interior design education, it offers insights into how educators, institutions, and practitioners can collaborate to shape the future of this dynamic field.
