Collaboration in Designing for the Creative Industries in the Age of Interactive Media for Promoting African Cultures in Film and Animation

  • Ifeta, C F Tai Solarin University of Education
Keywords: Collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches, animation and film, African Culture


In this digital age, it is said that the most creative innovations come from those who are able to connect
arts and sciences and this characterizes this research. Collaborative interdisciplinary relationships using
digital tools and media technologies is crucial in creative media production. However, collaboration
has inherent challenges that include blurring boundaries of occupational roles and coordination which
was properly addressed so as not to hamper content production. This action research used Adaptive
Structuration Theory (AST) in firstly, analyzing the utilization and penetration of new interdisciplinary
media technologies for production using African cultural motifs. The research then tried out various
innovation possibilities before embarking on a design structure promoting in particular an aspect of
Nigerian culture in animation and film. The design produced, confirms that good effectual virtual reality
in films and animation is dependent on collaboration by multi-disciplines to enhance African cultures
in African films and animation. Recommendations are proffered for more involvement in creative
innovations for the creative industries.
