Current Issue

Editor’s Note
This Special Issue (Volume 14 Issue No.2) is dedicated to honouring the 9 th DBA-AMR
(Africa Management Review) Annual International Conference, 2024 which was held
virually on the 29 th October, 2024 as part of the University of Nairobi (UoN) Annual
Research week Conference.
This was been made a reality through close conjunction of DBA-AMR (Africa Management
Review) journal which is currently on its 14th edition and year of publication. Progressively,
the conference has moved from being a Department of Business Administration (DBA) from
where it borrows it name, to a Faculty of Business and Management Science (formerly,
School of Business) conference and now a University of Nairobi (UoN) conference.
Although the Conference has previously been an “in-person” session, the last four years has
witnessed us holding this conference on a virual platform.
The ultimate goal of the DBA-AMR Annual conferences is provide a platform evidencing
that research is no longer a luxury but rather, a powerful tool that cuts across all facets of life
be it in academia, government, corporates or the private sector. The 14 th Issue of the
DBAAMR Journal as a way of expanding the reach of other scholars, practitioners and
students that may have missed out in the conferences has provided a platform to share the
“Book of Astracts” which circulates around the conference theme “Harnessing Business
Research for Resilience and Sustainability of Communities”. Subsequently, we look
forward to publishing the outstanding papers that will meet the journals requirement in the
near future.
DBA Africa Management Review is a quarterly publication of University of Nairobi,
Faculty of Business and Management Science, Nairobi, Kenya.
It is a business and management journal published under ISSN-2224-2023 as an Open Acess
(OA) Journal published in English and reviewed through a double blinded/peer reviewed
process in various Thematic areas:
Strategic Management
Human resource Management
Insurance and risk management
Marketing Management
International Business
Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Small Business
Supply Chain Management
Financial Management
Production and Operations Management
Public Management
Project Planning and Management
Prof. Kennedy O. Ogollah