Guidelines and Editorial Policy

  • Samuel Mwituria Maina University of Nairobi
Keywords: Africa Design Review Journal




Africa Design Review Journal is an Online & Print Quarterly issue. The aim of the journal is to encourage scholarship in the area of design. It emphasizes the production of knowledge and exchange of ideas.


Invitation of Articles:

The Editor invites original and scholarly articles in but not limited to the folowing areas: 2-D and 3-D Design and Graphic Communication and Materials; Product Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design,  Art and Architecture of Africa: Illustration, Fine art, Visual Communication, Landscape Architecture;Ecology, Culture,; Computer Applications in Visualisation Design, Design Practice, Design Sustainability, Fashion and related fields.


Acceptance of Articles:

Once an article has been submitted for publication, the author shall not submit it elsewhere.



It should be noted that the opinion expressed in any article, book review or commentary appearing in any issue of the journal does not reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee.


Content of the Manuscript:

The manuscript must apply systematic procedures to discover answers to research questions. Authors must conduct and present empirical investigations results on any subject written on. The paper must strictly follow the structure below for it to be considered for publication; Title, Name of the Author, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review/Theory, Research Methods, Results, Discussion of Findings, Conclusion/Recommendations, References, Appendices.


Submission of the Manuscript

Electronic Figures:

You should supply the electronic versions of your black and white figures/Illustrations. We prefer figures in TIFF,EPS, PS, PDF and Microsoft Office format. For vector graphics, EPS is the preferred format. For bitmapped graphics, TIFF is the preferred format. The following resolutions are optimal: line figures 600- 1200 dpi; photographs - 300 dpi. Because of high cost of colour printing, colour  figures  are  discouraged  and  if they have to appear in your manuscripts then you will meet their printing costs. (The figure legends should be included

in the text file). Use standard fonts such as Times Roman, Courier, Arial and Tahoma. Figures should be saved in separate files.
