Development of Animated Cartoon Visuals as an Enlightenment Campaign to Curb Malaria Disease in Nigeria

  • Siyanbola A ,B. Olabisi Onabanjo University
Keywords: Malaria Enlightenment, Health, Animation Illustration


This paper articulates the endemicity of Malaria disease in Nigeria. It enunciates the disease mode of
transmission and the manifested symptoms in humans. The prevalent of Malaria disease in Nigeria
can be attributed to the poor living conditions of a larger population of the citizenry and inadequate
accessibility to basic health infrastructure. Human behaviours facilitating the spread of malaria scourge
are inclusive and not limited to neglect of sanitary measures, poor routine hospital data collection culture,
poverty of the mind, elitist decadence, and creation of breeding places close to residential areas but lack
of adequate information. The paper elucidates the importance of animated visuals in communicating
information that enlightens the public on the causes and preventive measures necessary to mitigate the
spread of malaria disease. Animation displays sequential drawings in quick succession giving an optical
illusion of movement. Animated visuals promoting social causes evokes emotionally reactions from the
target audience. The study explored the construction hand-drawn illustrative to tell a story in frames.
The storyline was developed into storyboards embedded with character archetypes. Thereafter, motion
sequence was developed in phases and exported into adobe animate computer package timeline in layers
accordingly. Motion tweens connects the keyframes and inbetween frames link the visuals together,
giving a sense of implied movement anchored on time. The animated story was rendered and saved in
video format, sound was synchronized with the story on a video editing suite. The final rendering was
done on the video editing suite.
