Learner Preparedness For ICT Integration On Achievement In English Language Phonetics Among Secondary School Learners, Likuyani, Kenya.

  • Mary Bwononi Mukonyi University of Nairobi
  • Lilian Khavugwi Ganira University of Nairobi
  • Paul Amollo Odundo University of Nairobi
Keywords: Achievement; English language phonetics; ICT integration; Learner preparedness


The study explored the Influence of learner preparedness for Information Communication and Technology (ICT) integration on achievement in English Language Phonetics in secondary schools in Likuyani, Kenya. The study's objective was to assess the Influence of learner preparedness for ICT integration on achievement in English Language Phonetics. The sample for the study comprised four secondary schools and 200 from two learners. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to select schools while learners were purposively determined. Solomon Four Group design by Solomon (1949) was adopted and anchored on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology by Venkatesh, Moris, Davis, and Davis (2003). Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect views, and the observation schedules determined the extent to which ICT is applied in phonation learning. Data collected was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 25.0. Data analysis yielded cross-tabulations, frequency distributions, and multiple linear regression, which actuated the interpretation and discussion of results. A linear regression model was used to demonstrate the significance of the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Additionally, English Language Phonetics Pre-test and Post-test achievement results affirmed statistically significant variance between post-test scores of the Control and Experimental cohorts. Findings unearthed a significantly intensified relationship between Learner Preparedness and achievement in ELP at (B=0.116, p=0.032). Supported by these findings, the study concluded that adequate learner preparedness for ICT integration enhances achievement in ELP. This study recommends appropriate preparedness for technology usage in English language phonetics classes, which has a likelihood of improved oral skills.
