21st Century Work Environment and Contemporary Employability Skills among Millennia University Graduates

  • Akinwale Olusegun Emmanuel
  • Akerele Wasiu Olayinka


Employability skills have transformed from the acquisition of university degrees to possessions of cognate skills other than only degrees that can help employees secure employment in contemporary work environments. This study evaluates essential skills that will prepare millennia of youths and graduates for employment in the present job market. The study investigated four major hypotheses to underscore the employability opportunities of graduates in challenging 21st-century work environments. The study utilized a cross-sectional research design to survey 310 millennial graduates and 110 recruitment managers and employers of labour in Lagos State on a probability random sampling basis. The study employed a multivariate, multiple-regression analysis to evaluate the postulated hypotheses. The study has established that emerging technologies, and technical, and professional skills are significant to the employability opportunities of millennia graduates in Nigeria. It demonstrated that cross-cultural competence, effective communication, and collaborative skills are predictors of employability opportunities for millennia graduates in Nigeria. The study has investigated that self-adaptive, intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial skills elevated the employability opportunities of millennia of graduates in Nigeria. It also established that emotional intelligence, teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership skills enhanced the employability opportunities of millennial graduates in Nigeria. The study concluded that university degrees alone are not a golden ticket that guarantees employment for Nigerian graduates but emerging and soft skills do the wonders.


Key Words: Work Environment, Employability Skills, Millennia Graduates, Cross-cultural competence, emotional intelligence, Self-adaptive, Conflict resolution
