The main objective of the thesis was to determine the effect of e-service delivery strategies on the
performance of non-commercial state corporations in Kenya. The population of the study comprised
of the fifty-five (55) non-commercial state corporations in Kenya. A descriptive cross-sectional
survey design was adopted in data collection and analysis. Primary data was collected from
respondents using structured questionnaire, while secondary data was collected from GoK
Performance Contracting reports. 34 out of the 55 targeted population responded forming 61.8%
response rate, which was considered adequate for analysis with good representation. On hypotheses
testing, it was established that 76.1% (Adjusted R2 = 0.761) of variations in the overall firm
performance is explained by variations in the e-service delivery strategies namely multiple channel
selection, strategic channel management, participatory e-service delivery design and integrated eservice
delivery channel. Thus, e-service delivery strategies are a good predictor of performance of
non-commercial state corporations in Kenya. The findings therefore confirms alternate hypothesis
that there is effect of e-service delivery strategies on performance of non-commercial state
corporations in Kenya. The null hypothesis HO1 is therefore rejected. The study had a number of
limitations. A cross-sectional survey approach method was used for the study and a single
respondent was used in data collection, which may bias or determine the nature of responses. The
study covered all non-commercial state corporations in Kenya with geographically dispersed towns
requiring a lot resources and time. Further research should include all state corporations in Kenya
or private sector in Kenya. The study suggests future studies which it deems important in
contributing to future knowledge in research works should consider using quantitative measures of
customer value especially the use of other popular measures of customer value like cost, quality and
time to deliver a service using both quantitative and subjective/qualitative research design.
Key Words: E-Service Delivery Strategies, Performance, Non-Commercial State Corporations and